Assessments for Adults

Here at Enhancing Futures we welcome people of all ages who are curious about possible neurodivergence.

Our "ASD/ADHD/PDA Assessments" are one of the most comprehensive assessments available.

Our comprehensive neurodevelopmental assessment methodically explores presentations of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as standard. It also carefully considers learning abilities, mental health and the impact on the individual. We make any diagnoses evidenced within the assessment and formalise this in a report, which we go through with you at a feedback appointment to help you better understand your individual presentation.

Our neurodevelopmental assessments follow NICE guidelines and are accepted by NHS and Local Authority colleagues.

The assessment is led by our diagnostic clinician, Dr Claire Leonard, Chartered Clinical Psychologist. The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) includes Mrs Hannah Sharples, Assistant Psychologist and Mrs Charlotte Tipping, Registered Learning Disability Nurse. All our staff are qualified in the various gold-standard assessment measures as recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE).

Our neurodevelopmental assessments are charged in two parts:

1. £195.00 for an initial assessment to discuss your concerns and give basic recommendations.

2. Following this if you decide to continue to complete the full assessment, a further £2,300.00 is payable before your diagnostic outcome report is released to you.

Please contact us if you would like any further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a neurodevelopmental assessment?

A neurodevelopmental assessment is primarily an assessment for diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  It broadly looks at the individuals development and considers whether their development may be different to what is anticipated for their chronological age.  It is these differences in development that flag when an individual has an underlying neurodevelopmental difference such as ASD, PDA or ADHD.

Why do we structure our assessment like we do?

Our assessment is really comprehensive and considers Autism Spectrum Disorder, Pathological Demand Avoidance, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, learning needs and mental health as standard.  We believe this is really important as it has been evidenced in research that if you have one of these neurodevelopmental differences, you are 80% (or more!) likely to have another neurodevelopmental difference.  Therefore if we were to only assess for one of these diagnoses, you would most likely still not have a full understanding of your presentation and how all the different parts of those interact.

Who completes the assessment?

Our diagnostic team is considered a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) as we have staff from several different professional backgrounds involved.  This is important as it gives a broader set of observations to enrich the assessment, and ensure it is objective and rigorous.  

It is also stated within NICE Guidance that an assessment should be completed by an MDT with a diagnostic lead clinician who is either a Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician.

Our present diagnostic team is made up of Clinical Psychology (both qualified and assistant practitioners) and Learning Disability Nursing colleagues.

Is it accepted by other services?

Our assessments follow NICE guidelines and are led by an appropriate diagnostic clinician and so should be accepted by all other services.

Currently in Coventry and Warwickshire, our assessments have routinely been accepted by NHS, Education and Local Authority colleagues.  It is important to note that with Coventry and Warwickshire specifically the Child NHS Neurodevelopmental Service will accept rigorous private assessments, however the Adult NHS Neurodevelopmental Service will not currently accept private diagnoses for ongoing support within their services.

We have clients visiting from all over the UK and to date, our assessments have been routinely accepted by NHS, Education and Local Authority colleagues across the UK.

How much does it cost?

Our assessment is priced in two parts.

First, you would have an initial assessment appointment to discuss whether a full assessment is indicated and if so, consider how to best tailor that assessment for the individuals needs. This is priced at £195.00 which must be paid to secure your assessment.  This amount is non-refundable.

If you progress to a full neurodevelopmental assessment, this is charged at a further £2300.00 which can either be paid in full or separated by up to 3 payments. The full amount or first instalment is due 7 days prior to your full neurodevelopmental assessment appointment.

If further assessments are required during the assessment process, these will not be charged for.

What if I already have an ASD diagnosis?

As we believe it is really important to have a full understanding of an individual’s presentation, we do not usually separate out our assessment process.  However we realise that some people have received an ASD diagnosis but still do not fully understand their own presentation.  

As such, we have developed a bolt-on ADHD assessment which costs £1250.00.  

This assessment is for people who can evidence an ASD diagnosis and will help to build a fuller picture of the individuals needs.

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